Air Canada has a fleet of Airbus A330, Boeing 777, and Boeing 787 Dreamliner wide-body aircraft on long-haul routes and uses the Airbus A320 family aircraft (including the A320 and A321 variants), Boeing 737 MAX 8, and Airbus A220-300 aircraft on short-haul routes. The carrier's operating divisions include Air Canada Cargo, Air Canada Express, Air Canada Jetz (private jet charters), and Air Canada Rouge (leisure airline). Its subsidiary, Air Canada Vacations, provides vacation packages to over 90 destinations. Together with its regional partners, the airline operates on average more than 1,613 scheduled flights daily.[8]
Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitudewhite-space:nowrap9N 80W / 9N 80W / 9; -80
Go Vacation [MULTI][WII][PAL]ITA.iso
The terminal ports located at each end of the Panama Canal, namely the Port of Cristóbal, Colón and the Port of Balboa, are ranked second and third respectively in Latin America in terms of numbers of containers units (TEU) handled.[64] The Port of Balboa covers 182 hectares and contains four berths for containers and two multi-purpose berths. In total, the berths are over 2,400 metres (7,900 feet) long with alongside depth of 15 metres (49 feet). The Port of Balboa has 18 super post-Panamax and Panamax quay cranes and 44 gantry cranes. The Port of Balboa also contains 2,100 square metres (23,000 square feet) of warehouse space.[65]
Panama's tropical environment supports an abundance of plants. Forests dominate, interrupted in places by grasslands, scrub, and crops. Although nearly 40% of Panama is still wooded, deforestation is a continuing threat to the rain-drenched woodlands. Tree cover has been reduced by more than 50 percent since the 1940s. Subsistence farming, widely practised from the northeastern jungles to the southwestern grasslands, consists largely of corn, bean, and tuber plots. Mangrove swamps occur along parts of both coasts, with banana plantations occupying deltas near Costa Rica. In many places, a multi-canopied rain forest abuts the swamp on one side of the country and extends to the lower reaches of slopes on the other. Panama had a 2019 Forest Landscape Integrity Index mean score of 6.37/10, ranking it 78th globally out of 172 countries.[69]
Panama's politics take place in a framework of a presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the President of Panama is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the National Assembly. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature.
Dance is typical of the diverse cultures in Panama. The local folklore can be experienced at a multitude of festivals, through dances and traditions handed down from generation to generation.[111] Local cities host live reggae en español, reggaeton, haitiano (compas), jazz, blues, salsa, reggae, and rock music performances.[citation needed]
The US influence in Panama can be seen in the country's sports. Baseball is Panama's national sport. The Panamanian Professional Baseball League is the country's professional winter league. It was first held in 1946, but had multiple interruptions spanning several decades. The Panama national baseball team has earned one silver medal and two bronze medals at the Baseball World Cup. At least 140 Panamanian players have played professional baseball in the United States, more than any other Central American country.[115]
The protagonist of the series, Spyro the Dragon, decides to take a vacation to Dragon Shores with his friend Sparx a few years after defeating Gnasty Gnorc. The portal he enters accidentally takes him to the land of Avalar because the Professor, Elora and Hunter are trying to bring a dragon to Avalar. A sorcerer, known as Ripto, has invaded the world of Avalar and is wreaking havoc on its citizens with his magic. Idols come to life and attack their creators, Eskimos are encased in ice cubes, and a civilization of seahorses has had its water confiscated. Spyro must travel through the land of Avalar, undoing the damage done by Ripto and ultimately defeating him.
Meanwhile, after the defeat of Gnasty Gnorc and the Dragon Realms have been experiencing rainy weather for some time, and Spyro declares that he needs a vacation. He locates the portal to the realm of Dragon Shores and enters it. However, he finds himself landing in the realm of Avalar, intercepted by a portal built by the Professor. Ripto immediately enters the scene and destroys the portal, objecting to the Professor's success in bringing a Dragon to Avalar. Ripto is, however, forced to retreat when Gulp accidentally swallows Ripto's magical scepter. Elora asks Spyro to help save the realm of Avalar by defeating Ripto.
Midnight. Chris, who has been on a leave of absence for a "vacation," called me so I visited his apartment. As soon as I walked into his room, he showed me a couple of pieces of paper. They were part of a virus research report entitled as simply as "G". Then Chris told me that, "The nightmare still continues." He went on to say that, "It's not over yet." Ever since that day, he has been fighting all by himself without rest, without even telling me...
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N Y my4Mt my4MtHelp myHHtHelp inyll4 itHelp Wanted WantedMale WantedMaleW WantedMaleWANTEDOne Male MaleWANTED IWANTED W ANTEDOne On hundred boys with bicycles blcycl blcycloto t o deliver C C S 5 rweavers ice cream next na naundaySunday S unday nv n lazy ones need apply W V A AWEAVER VEA VER 733 1st st 1ft t nw Ie267t je6tr Ie267tANTEDWANTEDA r ANTEDA ANTED A youtur yoon ouo man as clerk behind belch belchuncir ilunch l uncir counter JERSEY DAIRY LUNCH LUNC H I fROOM 1j 22t SU D st st stnw nw It ItW itWANTEDDishwasherWANTED W ATEDDlslntlsher Dishwasher and boy for dining dlnlz dinir i cg Iroom 9M Pennsylvania ave nw It ItW4IEDTrimmerWANTED W4IEDTrimmer Trimmer for mena soft 150 stiff and andstraw andstraw at td 1straw s traw hats I KANDEL DEL CO m l 7th at at atow Itow It ItWWANTED W WANTEDC01Ored A TEDColored Colored man to mop floors and IIndatthdlsbes at atgash d 1 Iwash gash atthdlsbes dishes allround man Ill 6th st st nwhotel b ole ItWATEDWhlte itWANTED WATEDWhlte White elevator boys boy at COLORA aDO x uO BUILDING BUILDI G arnApply to Janitor Room Roomo Boo rn 1No o 2 t Je63t Je63tANTEDJoI Je2 jole3tWANTEDMan 3tWANTED ANTEDJoI Man n to work work In dairy onto on wili wi m ii iic ing i ng to work GLENMON DAIRY 1211 C Cat c Ist at S t sw S It ItrANTEDAt ii L IrANTEDAt once a shoemaker Gt1 Louis Loul Loulanalana l ana ave nw je62t joHtrATEDYoa L 1WANTED WANTEDYoung rATEDYoa Young Italian man intelligent intelligentsober Intell1entsober t tsober s honest honest practice in grocery or liquor liquorstore liquorstore liqu or rstore s tore know tho city for driving wagcu 1Y41r bring bringreference bringrettrence bni act acteference iffreference r Address BOX 421 4 t Time Tlm offlie a It ItWANTEDMan JWANTED WANTEDMan Man to drive dairy wagon agon and andone a cut d 1 1oneone to work Inside W WA A SI1 SnJPSo SI2PSON 7th 7 th st se je26 Je2tit Je2titWATEDvhlte 2t yo I JIWANTED WATEDvhlte White tuna for stable worn wor and andassist a ml mlassist jassist In yard Apply at once COLUMBIA COLUMBOIL CO Rosslyn Va Va t tATED IWANTEDAa WANTED ATED A a experienced autenobile anton oblle rca nachlnlst it achlnlst steady work for the right man Ap A 1 ply in person EMPIRE AUTO AND A D MA MCHINE CHI E CO 1319 L Bt st nw It ItWANTED 1lV 1WANTED WANTEDJapanese V A TEDJapaneso Japanese chef che preferubl pref erabl J re remarkable remarkable re markable table boarding boardln opportunity opportun y cholc cholccat choicest cho Ic Icoatcat location entire charge permanent in Intorest intoresttoresL torest Address BOX 472 Times office It 1tW 1W WANTEDA ANTED ATEDA A young white llte man to do general gene neral neralwork i iwork Iwork and attend to horse ho e In a a liquor store storereference sto no noreference Ireference 1317 7th st st nw it ItYTEDBushelm4n I tWANTED YTEDBushelm4n Bushelman at once permanent permanentpoltlon permnamu nt ntposition Iposition for good man man T E E GILBERT GILBES r ISIS F st st nw Je263t Ja63tW jeg3manWtVNTKD W TEDA A man accustomed to to horses and a nd Ifamiliar with the city to deliver orders onto inApply pP1 S7th and K u 1tW i tWANTED W WANTEDBoy TEDBoy Boy with some experience to work w watat tinning and heating 2164 14th st st nw3e263t 3e263tJEWELRY je63tJJEWELRY J ELRY SALHSMAN SALBSLNonly Only hustler need m tedapply capable of o giving bond ajid able tocontrol good trade man able to make 20 to30 a week Is the kind we want Apply pply Man Manager Mcager CASTELBERGS 333 Pennsylvania ave a amnhiltuthmh31tuthBotf mh31tuthBotfWANTED mh31tu mnhiltuth tho IIBtt IIBttWANTEDFour acttiWANTEDFourWANTED WANTEDFour Four competent brick layers layerscountry for forcountry I Icountrycountry 50 cents per hour Apply 3605 300 > M MsL Mst Ist sL nw Call Mt after r E p m m Je232t je25tWA a aon JWANTED WA WANTEDMen DMen Men to sell household goods on Iinstallments good pay no experience needed need cci IC33 C3 G st nw n Je253t je53tWATEDWhlt joEIbarber needIt It IWANTED WATEDWhlt Whlto barber J3 9 per week we oek oekstead elisteady stead position 6th and G G sts nw Jc252t jeZStW jell jellWANTEDMan IWANTED W AltTEDMan Man to do general work In lunch luncbcan lun luncan I Ican Ican department and make ice cream erseREEVES 1205 F St Je253t je2S it itWANTEDYoung t tWW WANTEDYoung WANTED TEDYounJ Young experienced waiter waiterBOX Ad Idress BOX 473 Times Office Jo243t jeI3tWANTED jel4i t tPlumbers IWANTED Plumbers helpers D JMURPHY RPHY 11M Connecticut ConnecUcul4e ave nw an Je2m jeutW je jeWANTEDPorter i3 1 1 IWANTED W ANTEDPortlr Portwr in Indru drug store MODERN MODE RN RNIt N IDRUG CO 414 It 7th Bt st nw It It L 1Help Wanted WantedMale WantedMaleV Male MaleWANTEDWANTED WA V A TEDSlngle Single man to work on farm Ap Apply ApplY ply 1103 1 103 F nw between WANTED W WA WAwtg ANT NTEDO1Pabie Capable pable man to run huckster hucksterwagon hucksler501t hucksteronwagon wtg 501t on Apply EDWIN F MAY Nfl O17th 7th st stnw st stnw atitnw It ItWANTED ItTEDYoung itNTEDYoungWANTED WA TEDYoung Young man In lunch room 430 430llth COnth 4Z0stnth lit st t nw it itWANTED ItANTEDBoy itNTEDBoyWA WANTED ANTEDBoy Boy to to learn upholstering 7 73th 725 7259th TNat9th st at nw nwNTEDFitty Jo2S3t Jo2S3tWNTED jc63tWWNTED W WA TEDFlly Fifty ablebodied mon m n for grading gradingonon C C O R R R R Call 710 nth st B nw ton ionrmatIonInformation info rmatIon m meat Wednesday Wed nesday flight at 9 ocJock way paidL O PEARSON PEnSO Foreman Jo j je2C4t je2C4tNTIIDA C8t C8tWANTIJD t tWANTJDAWANTIJD WANTJDA WA NTIIDA A nr tlratcJa firstclass tckis barber DRUCES317 Peni Ftmuvlvania ylvanla av ave nw JcZC2t JcZC2tWANTED jc262tATED joE2tNTEDWANTED WA WAWll ATED NTED Colored boy for general workWBYHAN 1 Wll ntAV l12 1 1 llth at nw It ItWANTED ItWAn ItNTEDYuungWANTED WAn IVA NTEDYuung Young uung man with some knowledge knowledgeof knowledgeonaof mens m ona finlahlngs and hats state salaryexpected 03foti expe cted Autlrees A Jre a Box 483 4 3 Times I es Office omcoANY Oftico43tJ lc1 143t 143tANY 43t 43tyANY A y Intelrernt Intelf g gect 1t perw person > n may earn 40 40 to J59 J59monthly 5t I Imonthlymonthly mon monfor thly at i JI1R > vine in spare time corresponding corre poDdlngfor newspapers news er no canvassing experience czperlencounnecessary experltncurmecelll5al experienceecessaryunnecessary urmecelll5al unn ecessary send for particulars PRESSSYNDICATE SYNDICA SYN SYNBOY DICYcELockport E Lockport Locl1 > ort N Y myl400t myl400tBOYH myHDOtSBOYH BOY S PJ LB jf INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENTOwn DEPENDENTown Own your ownnewspapiT aew zpapcz routes Get a list of customers m mWIUPjfve dG5 G5da1sitfor the Kvenlng vening and d Sunday Times and you youwill you1slowill raele good money For further laform fomaUc aUct llw apply CIRCULATION DEI DEPART > ARTME MEl N > T The The Wachinston V 1Jniton Times Time ao23tf ao23tfWJvTED al3tfITEDEoysW1h7EPBoyJth W Wget WJvTED ITEDEoys Boys with bicycles for messen mcascnserviceC get r service Industrious boys can earn Si Siperper day and more boys attending school will wiltemployedbe employed from C pm to 11 pra andon Sundays and holidays MUTUAL DdTIUCT TIU CT MESSENGER COMPANY Basementfbi F1 5 st aL 1 nw oc4tf oc4tfMEN oc4tMEN oc442NMEN ME N and boys wanted learn plumbing plasterlng teni ng bricklaying Special offer life sehol seholowhlparcib owhlp hiP ip 60 60 easy payments position guaran guaranteed guamnteedteed teedSCH free catalogue COYNE BROS TRADESCHOOLS SCH OOLS New ew York Yack Chicago St Louis Louis1el4tf Louis1eUlt1el4tf i 14tfWanted WantedSalesmen WantedSalesmenSALESMANTraveltnJ Wan tedSalesmen Salesmen SalesmenSALESMANSALESMAN SALESMANTraveltnJ SAL Traveling or local ability nbUll to topromote topromotepromote pro mote 16000 Washington D C c suburban suburbanrealty suburbanrealty toI Irealty real ty proposition t per cent commlMlon commlMlonmay commilllllonsmay bo handled on side W LICK WHITES SIho ONS s MInnesota r C arc tra1 Floral HIll fil B r C CnoPhone Iho no East 1887 JeWtf JeWtfHelp jeJ6ttHelp jeIetfhelpHelp Wanted Wanted3talo WantedJo3talo aIo Jo and Female FcumleWANTED FClokleWATEDYWANTED WATEDY WA NTEDTu Yu u can learn the Syllabic system systemof lIr8lemotof shorthand > a i 15 hours attain a speed of a76 to t o 1X 10 vrcrds In 1S 150 hours and we win UI pro procure pr precure cur e a position for you We e leach also Pit Pitman PltmIlDman mIlD ma matyp n Graham Uregg and llornca systems systemtYJIer1t1ntypevriting typ ewriting and Spanish STENOGRAPHIC STENOGRAPHICACADEACADEMr ACADE AC ADEIfI rl > Cotoado Colo building Phone lhoneM lhoneMlIt M Mje4ISC1142 Je43tt Je43ttWANTED je43tttWANTED WA WAwai NTCDCoosacUiLiosts Cooka weuUtone I pastry woman womanwaitresswaitress wai t tress dishwashers = cashier cashier i counter crtO crtOACORN menACORN AC ORN LUNCH ROOM Al 31 i F st at nwJeM3t JeM3tWANTBD J je S4t 3t 3tWAlTXD IWA WANTBD NTEDMall Man UI and wife butler and cook cookother cookother cookerother oth er cooks cooka chambermaids scullion Uton waiters waitersdtshwashers waltersdlehwubendtshwashers de hwaabees pastry cook chef good wages wag111 11 1 New York ave It ItATKDAWANTBD ATKDA A woman girl or boy for general generalhousework 1Jeaet1housework gsserssework ihousework housework hou sework to go in country Apply at 14K I IN ill CN st stnw nw Jeit JeitSituations e2 tSituations Si tuations Wanted WantedMale WantedMaleW Male MaleWANTBDWANTBD W ATEDP ANTEDPosition PosUiea In wholesale whoiees grocery grocr r rALjWWALTER ALTER ALjW N SIMMS 451 10 O st at nw te23t jdi3tWAvrXpB te23tsettledWAvrXpB W ANTEBY two white boys settled white Wbteman whit eman ma n anyklnd of work 1C5 llth at nw ItWANTED 1 W ANTEDBy By neat BfteeayeareM colored eoIoredboy colors iboy bo y place as driver or hi willing to make makehmselt teaS teaSmself 5hiowelf hi mself useful around house boa or store Call or o oaddr raddress addr ad dress 2Z4S 4S 11th at t nw It ItANTEIrPJaeeWANTBD W J ANTEIrPJaee Place aa machinist helper by Sthoroughly th oreugbly expeitencer colored W G 13K 1 1atU at at nw D ies jeS4t jeS4tSituations 4t 4tSituationsSituations Wanted WantedFemale W nted ntedemllleFemale FemaleWANTED emllle emllleWANTEDByt WANTED WANTEDBy W Wdo By tone less settled widow place to I Lad do light housework Is willing aDd obliging eWIgt g Ismall sm ell pay pA good g home Address A BOX 42 ca 8Times TI mes office oflc It ItWANTED ItTEDByWANTED W ANTEDBy TEDBy By girl U 1 years place aa nurse nurseor ash e eOf eor help bel around arouDdbl house Call MM SW OrooocO st siAlexandria Al exandrIa Va It ItWANTED JtWWANTED W r ANTJDBr By a girt about 14 situation with wic St Stsmalla small family as dressmaker or ear ears for ii StcblldreIL ch fldrec 38OIK te ac at 21 nw It ItW itEByT WANTBD W ATEDBy EBy By colored woman laundry work workor wo rcor day work 34KS MR WAUGH 110H U97 Madison MadIac a l18ot1 l18ot1lit sat At n nw It IWANTBD VAT2DBy By firatelasn dressmaker sewing sewict to do at home boss suits Iu made from S2 2 up 1218 12 12ewj New N ew York ave nw w it ItATEDPaldtJoarWANTED W ATEDPaldtJoa Position as general gt eral houseworker houseworkernono washing washln itooios trOftlD or otJUNln at jurying at a Hat ii iiiIfill If i Mth st Mt nw It ItWANTBD ItWATEDHoa1 WANTBD WATEDHoa W ANTEDHocrswonic Houttwork worJc nursing or helping heipti heipticookt to cook 9MK FlorxH lkvt av nw tw It ItWANTED It7g It ItANTWByrWANTED W Who ANTWBy 7g By laundress washing to do at 1h home ho me city r refercmoe ferta ee 418 8 Ridge = nt st at nw It ItWANTED it i iWTEDDyWANTED WTEDDy W Wsm NTEDDy By good honest girl position po In Insmall Insrnsllsmall sm all family HARGARETT LIVERS 70S2d M atBc M 1Ie It ItWANTBD it itANTgDey IWANTBD W ATBDBy By young r Ja l y attuatloa with vl iihighdass d gbclase dressmaker t tI sarn H 11 Times oJflce JeMit JeMitWANTBD 1eS21ANTEDBy iWANTBD WANTBDDr W By a first st class laundress small amalJwashn5 aim tlI tlIashingwashn5 w ashing to take talc hoses eo Call 96 llth st at nw nwWANTED a vjd5 jd5VANT1iDByWANTED W VANT1iDBy By colored woman days werk wrkor we cor washing to take home 1154 ll 18th st at nw nwJ nwt nwA aJ S2t S2tWANTED tWANTED W A TEDWaahlDg Washing to do at home call or orsend orsendsend se nd card reference BETTIE MINOR IOR IMC IMC4th ii i4th 4t 4tIr h at at nw D Je23t JeS3tWATEDBy iit t4tWWANTED WATEDBy W By good ktuadress s washing and a ad adoningIroning Ir oning to do at home bom 231 S lick st at nw nwJeK2t nwjea nwWantedMiscellaneousJeK2t JeK2tWanted jea t tlK=Wanted lK antedMiscellaneous antedMiscellaneousATEDHlgheat Miscellaneous MiscellaneousWANTEDWANTED W ATEDHlgheat Highest cash prices paid V 4 forworn for wetorments 1rmentJI ladies or gentlemens Also shoes shc shcadtnd n ad tats atJI Address postal and I will wE W call any a> our B n TARSHES 1 1398 S 7th st st aw n phone PhoDeITt1 Phic no 10Xcrth ITt1 4S5 411 ray2399t my2999tSl01 I IPOlSl01 S POl CASH PAIDFOR FURNITURE U Upet cc i iofpeti pet stoves stO bricabrac and all kinds of jjhousehold h goods BAUMS UuS FURNITURE FUn FURNITU ITLRE Ill ESHOP 5 1101 14th and U ala nw Phone North Not th h1 1313 lI E Formerly r rmerJy 9th and U 3e2538t 3e2538tBIG jeS3atDIG tji BIG b MONEY uO EY PAID for desirable d mblo furniture furniturecarpets furniturecarpets rurattu 7carpets c will pay full value alut for stoves stovescondition i11 Ingood condition ofltee furniture urntture and house hou houoldhold h old goods of 0 all kinds contents con ntJI especially especial rD NOTES CS > Louisiana ave Phone PhoneL M 3005 3005my2739t 3 It ItmyITSOtmy2739t 38t 38tFORmyFOR F OR SALE SAt SALESail Sail boat bt 23 ft ft lone Iong 6 ft ft beam be boa min i n good g condition cnditon will w1 cell cheap cep Address Addrss Addr 535BOX B OX 195 Times Time office offe Je253t Je253tWE 3e3t 3e3tW joEIWHWE W PAY READY REY CASH CH bring your cist as r coff O X clothing to me will pay paythe the theyeryol clothi w1 Py very highest hl hIgh best eatcash ch c ash prices prces for them phone 2398 28 drop postal post al 1will w1 w i5 call clL L 1 I KESSLER KSL MM 1 7th fit ccl nw nwJe43t mvje43 PlltalJe436t Je43t Je43tA je43 it itWTBDAWANTBD WTBDA A TEDA A canoe co noe in good go condition cndIton conditionress Address d ress BOX 600 5 Times Tie oKlce otce jet jetWUEDIce lilt ie2C3t il t tWANTEDIceWANTED WUEDIce WANTEDIce Ice box bo that will suit att 1 grocery groc1store stor s tore Call Cl 126 U D st at nr nt naWANTEDAt Je253t Je253tSOUTHERN je3 ce cestorW WANTEDAt AEDAt Once 5 500 tether feather bCs beds byTSOUTHERN SOUTHR S FEATHER FETHR CO C Will Wi WI pay bYTE IlY tho thoghCth highest ighest ghCt spot cash cb prices pnce for them Please Pleaseend PJe Pie ass assendc end nd postal pst to SOUTHERN SOUTHR FEATHER FETHER CO C 0515 1 15 6th st at nw mj29SOt mj29SOtWANTED t tVATEDBuUdlng LWANTED WANTEDBuildings VATEDBuUdlng Buildings to wreck wrc I will buy 1 uyfor f or cash ch wreck wre and ad remove brick brc or frame fre tie rno rnouildingsbuildings buld1nJ b expertly epy and ad promptly promptyT EDW CLARK CLARKBuilders CLARKBUIIderaCLR> Builders Blde Supplies SUPpliePhono P hone N 279 2 1395 13 New Jersey ave nw cJ jl lelOlOt 2010t 2010tWANTED lOtWANTED W WANTEDS ATED S KEBESKT1306 KBESI KEDESICY 10 1306 7th th st lt st nw nwwill nwwm a aWill wwill pay py the hlgCest hlgrest conh prices nces for ladles ladlesgents ldles ldlesgents ladi es esinSgents g ents and childrens chldens cutoff cutol clothing and andtshoes andehoeehoe shoes and al hats bat Addrs Address a u postal pst and I will willcallcall cL Phone N 32t 3M M my2930i my2930iLADIES mytLIS myN3 myN3LADIES tLADIES LIS AND GENTLEMEN GENTMEN Dont put putaway putUW4y putawayaway UW4y your old Cld qld clothing shoes 8hos hats hat and andshirts andshirtsshirts s before seeing me as a I pay py highest highestcash highestcah bigi lest lestashcash cah c ash prices Prc for them th Drop postal Pt will call c allH GEWIRZ 1206 110 7th st st nw cl1 GEWl 1 7t JelSlSt JelSlStWANTED jel91t jel91tWANTEDTo jel9l It ItWANTEDToWANTED WANTEDTo WANTEDTo To buy a combination cmbination transit tit transiteveL andlevel l Apply to O B ZANTZINGER ZAIGER 214McGlll Mci building buldlnJ my21tf my21tfWANTED mtt mttW my31 my31VANT5tcnte 21WANTED W VANT5tcnte ATEFure Furnture for cash ch Sell Su your yourgoods yourgo our ourgcyJ5goods go to the man m who gives you ou the te roost roostmoney mostmOne a mat matoneymoney mOne m oney See HOPWOOD Him 8t and ad K X JeI43t JeI43tWANTED Jcf3tATEDAt Ic 4It 4ItWANTEDAtWANTED WANTEDAt ATEDAt At once onc by THE T EASTERN ESE BASTEFEATlER FEATHER CO 600 6 feather feater beds bes highest highestcash hlhcstch bigi bigiprIcescash ch prices pics paid Jld 213 7th st at nw jeUlOt jeUlOtHIGHEST el10t el10tlIGHES eUl 2LHIGHEST lIGHES CASH CSH PBiCES nald nd for old Iroi tr It tusbrass br copper copp lead lea zinc zc and chandise WASHINGTONcndie SCRAP IRON ISSCAND AD METAL TAL CO S Sia and U sts nw Phono PitL LBirdsNorth No 2612M WM ap2290t aDS aDSBirBirds Bir s Dogs Etc Etc EtcWANTEDToWANTED WATEDTo WANTEDTo To buy 100 10 large lae rabbits any ay nycolor and sex se also ao white rats rtJI SCHMIDS SC SCIIMI MIDSBIRD STORE STR 712 12th 1th st s nw Je257t je7t je7tUNPLE jell Tt TtUNPLEZENTUNPLE UNPLEZENT KU KUMPNEETho rPNETe novexfal iiroach rch food to sure pur death deti to waterbugs wteub nevefaUng and adroaches rcbe lOc IOad and and lIe cans cn Just received ret recel red ed Isinging eanrles c E and parrots SCHMIDS SCHMI Ds 3S IptBIRD STOKJE Sl STOR 712 7 12th 1t It It BV w SCUDS Ja Jt ia3 t tfCTodays T odays Smile Smilei SmileWantedRoomsi V 11 11WantedANUWanted WantedRooms WantedRoomsWADFour Rooms RoomsWANTEDWANTED WADFour WA NTEDFour Four rooms rm second secn floor nr patinanent nent nen t by two adults central ctrl location state IJton stteprice pri ce Address Addre BOX 466 40 Times To ofllce oe It ItWANTED ItWANTEDWANTED WA NTED Furnished room with ith private Ifamily fam famdre ily by young ounf man In Southwest Ad Adssdress dre ss BOX 423 Times ofllce It ItWATEDBydrewWANTED WATEDBy w By mother and daughter two or cithreo thr thrnot ee unfurnished rooms heat and gas ts rent rentnot rentnotnot to exceed exc J12 1 per month Brightwood preferred ten ted Address L 1 Brlgbtwood PostofficePotoftkeJeS2tJeS2t JeS2tForFor Rent RentUnfurnished RentUnfnrnlshrdUnfurnished Booms BoomsFOR RoomiFORFOR FO FOoil R RJ2NT n Rlrpw TTO Two nice eommimiaUlas rooms Ion secoLd BeC lI floor for light houselceepiag houtIe Dg IB11M 11 110 ISth st at ne JeMSt JeMStFOR JdiStFOItF FOR FO R RENT PETFour Four unfumlsfeed rooms gasb bath bat h hot and cold water 15 151 B Baa se je Jd5Jt Jd5JtTUnER > St StTHREET THREE TI IBEEUNFURNISHED UNFtTL I8HED roosce MC IHi Hoor ho er all Improvement light JIowptk houailceping ptag31 3K 8 nth st lit se lie JeJWtFOR JdIItFOR JeJWtFOR Po rt RENT RETIn In suburbs South Brookfead Brookfour f light airy rooms n and bath LbruoklsssdL second econ LJ floor ho 8 ar large arg veranda reasonable nth aad sni IKearney He arsay st at JeSstt JeSsttTWO jellItTWO lt ltOTWO TW O unfurnished rooms light hovaekatpingsecond se cond floor and bath 1 IS v vONE V ae BW 1t 1tONE ItNEO ONE NE nice ktrge Ja rg room unfurnished front tree OIIton parlor room ill Q st t aw B jeStTlIR > jeSt 3C2t 3C2tTHREETHREE TlIR TH REE E UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHEDond rooms DO MeODd a auw nd loon light Pt heti hosseksephs tke ptas > lV 31 Itb th st at s1 Cnw uwE jfiM2t jfiM2tBNTIIUE jell1tRNTlIUIBNTIIUE E second Soor t4 far rest vary cheap cb idesirable des traMe party h Hat icast st bath gas s fit Dl11orML Florida a ajellItare a nw nwTImES jellIt eKSt eKStTHREHTImES T tinfuratshed resms for light booM beasik keepinc ks epin us 3 SS 2d nw nw1SNTIRB JlWRlTIREI1SNTIRB II NTIRE second MoerAve rooms large kr rs If porch po rch bath Mad or en suite asit Ite aheap m j Maseaehwsetts M 8tts ave Me k kTHRBE ItRRllZ J JTHRBEITHRBE T rooms third story U ILll UJ with quiet qtdI family fa mily MM HIItk jth st at Jtw jdlzt jdlztFROIr jellItRONT > 2sZt 2sZtFRONTFRONT F Ffu RONT and back parlor fucMasMd fsral d or 111I vi afuN fumiahed fu rnished also terse a hasamiat sent from fromTWO I IIN ew York a avs aw JeJlk JeJlkTWOTho TWO T WO uafuntsbed roams wKa As ga1 for light thousekeeping ho sskeeicthg JKJO per month JIIGII SIll fen fenFOR 1kDW S W jeIIk jeIIkFOR jellItORFOR F OR RBNTTwo RBNTTwoU CCMIIIaUateaUltg tOOIU roou sic siciucaryUt U iucary ary waahstaads waahstaadshouse W8bMa stLtaoota assr Ltaoota Park JteW as e w r rithouse h eae ill 12th st si as it itTWO JtTWO itWOTWO T WO front room icoma fwmfebed ar at tinfarntohaa uafurvijllKbt li ght hovMkeepto profesiHoanl prot none avrspre peferred ta erred rred IMS 2I Sth K nw toMSt jeIIkTWO toMStTWOTWO T Th WO communicating cossmunieatla rooms for lizfat houss boa ekeesrfBg h eetng all modern imravemeats HO 11II SU per p Prmonth 182 IJ2t It th nw n JeWStFOR JellItFOR JeWStFOR F OR RENT RENTroosoB RE1TUnt BENTUnfursislesd 2 01 l laugroosoB r for light housekeeping g J5lt 11 Sth stl at Inw nwFOR S WI JezsSt JezsStRENTFOR F Fin OIt RENT RENTThree TT11reo Threo ar four unfurabAed eoIa so amunlcaUag munlcatlaJOOIDs in rooms for hoasekeepug hoa g and aeooi adfloor s oor with bath 41 G st 8t aw ieX ieXI j05ltFORI FOR F Ffl OP RENT RETTW4 Tw large unfurnished seeond sesoc ad tfloor fl oor rooms back porch gas and bath J1J S 1 It90S s 13th et etae see9f2t jd3tFOR jellIlFOR F OR RENTRElTFcdr Fear unfumkmed rooms pri sTate v ato entrance 1416 14 leth st at nw Jea jellIt > 3t 3tFORFOR F OR RENT RETTwo Two nice unfurnished front tic sitrooms r ooms bath 200 4tt 4 st at aw J Jdat JdatFOR 53t 53tFOR tFOR F OR RENT RETFo Four r uafuraUked rooms flrst Si T 1floor fl oor for light bocsekeeptng SK 6 adst at ne neJe JMJeJ5 u L LII Je JeJ5 JeJ5FOR 53t IFOR R RENT R RENTTwo TTwo Two unfurnished unfurnishedreasonable reoma s ARt is atreasonable r rS home privileges Apply at M MFOR Sti f post S t IIW IIWFOR jellP LFOR F OR KENT RETThree Threo unfuraisbed rooms sec NO si sind o ond nd floor all conveniences adults only MO I IetO et 15t nw VeSJt je25atFOR VeSJtCOLUilBLV CFOR F OR RENT RETThree Three Threegas rooms on second JIoor Socgas g nsnnd and bath 1SSO Ji Columbia st at nw jell JeSat JeSatSECO s t tSECONDSECOND SECO S D FLOOR FLOORTwo Two three bright rooms race Isbath bath gas cheap 37 Eye st at ne Je24Xt Je24XtRooms J62 J62Rooms LRooms and Board BoardCOLCOLUMBIA COL mL HEIGHTS large southfront southfri setroom r oom to one or two gentlemen reasonable reesona Werates r wjth or without board 1225 Girard Bt Stj je ieIlIt ieIlItFOUR 2 2t t tFOURFOUR FOUR large doublo rooms on first second s secoc ndand third hoots large flower yards 8rds front fIO t and a mdback delightfully cool preserves breads breadsetc brie cMetc O W homemademarried couples and gen g entlemen t preferred permanently vennan zUy located MRS MI Ins ISHARRISON 815 3d fit st nw JONI j tt634 6 31 L ST NW NWRooms Rooms suitable for two t voflrstclass f board porcelain bath French Proc ccli chcooking c Je244t Je244tGEORGE je4UGEORGE I IGEORGEGEORGE WASHINGTON HOTEL 15th and cc 7New York ave overlooking White hUe House Hou cc2e 2e eFlrstclass l l13tc1aas family hotel double rooms rooms 146 146up USup 145p Uup u p single room t5 25 per month good board boa rd rdransientstransients t SI per day and up um je415t je415tFOR jeB1itWantedRooms t tWantedRooms=Wanted WantedRooms Rooms a Board BoardWATEDTwo Boar d dWANTEDTwoWVV WATEDTwo > iTED Two communicating rooms with ithboard for three adults and two children chlldrmust be on Brightwood or Chevy Che Chase Ohcar line Address BOX 42S Times offloe 1J Je68jy1 Je68jy1CountryCountry Board BoadROOM Boa BoardROOM d dROOMROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen gentlem enmonth th of July Address BOX 53 Manassas Mancsi I isaVa Je5St Je5StVYTONSTONE jetS It ItLAYTONSTONEVYTONSTONE FARM FARMU J4 per week write w i 71for particulars WM M G MARTIN Reming Betel n X I ton t2n Va Va Jel290teod Jel290teodWANTED l lAlIoTEDSummer id idWANTEDSummerWANTED AlIoTEDSummer Summer boarders at The Dunbar Bunt carsalt water fishing bathing bathln and mailing fr free f ret e 1Tablo supplied fresh from tb lbs farm new s sartesianartesian well Addrees W WALLACE DUN DiBAR BROS Ridge Md rd Jo237t Jo237tWANTED je37tW jell jellWANTEDSummerWANTED W WANTEDSummer AlTEDsummer Summer boarders at The Wal Walnuts W4Inuts W Wnuts nuts For rates address ad ross J D PRINTZ PRIN TZIt F D 4 Luray Va 1e21lflt jeI18tBOARDERS jilli 1e21lfltBOARDERS LBOARDERS WANTED W ATED at pleasant home homenear homenear ho me menearnear Sugar Loaf excellent country board boardnice boardnice hoc id idnicenice large pleasant rooms and shady ah a jgrounds plenty pJent of Ice milk butter butterfowls andfOW fowls 5 For particulars address Mrs 113 ALICE AI 1zHAYES Barncsvllle Montgomery Co MdJe207t Je207tfor1 WANTE5ILady ATELtld boarders In private famlly far ii I 5for summer months large roms good table ta tadullY a 5adolly malL Address S Uppervllle Va f1 R nF D No 2 2 Box 15 Jel314t Jel314tWanted je13HtWantedBoarders jelI1 jelI1WantedBoardersWanted WantedBoarders WantedBoardersETUELtnRST Boarders BoardersETHELHURSTETHELHURST CAFE 15th and L sts nw nwSARAH nwSARAH r IW vSARAH LUKENS Proprietor Reasonable Reasonablerates Reasonablerates Ransom rable able blerates homelike Je263t Je263tWanted je bId bIdWantedcoutyi 3t 3tW It t=Wanted W Wantedcoutyi WantedcoutyiFOR antedCouI1tlY Country Board BoardFOR BoardFORFOR WEEK or more In the Virginia moun mountains mountains cia tains summer board must be reasonable reasonableWrite reasonableWrtte reasons reasonsWrite ciaide ideWrite in full BOX 484 484 Times office otllccje243t oiltceje243tJe243tTable Board Boatd BoatdFIRSTCLASS BoardFIBSTOLASSFIRSTCLASS BOARD Virginia cooking cookin the theand= best and plenty of 0 Jt it 3 a week 227 K st tweeket3 = et3 et3t1For Kent KentFnrnIsip2 RentEurnI ItentFnrnsttiEurnI FnrnIsip2 C Booms BoomsFOIt Roomsloon Boomstloon porkeep t RENT RENTFlat Flat furnlehed light heu house 1keeping keep keepmon ing bath use of t parlor gas stove atO8 Ill 161 161ntinlh 6 6mtnthmon monFOR ntinlh th C Florida ave nw nn JeMSt JeMStFOR Je6tFOnFOR FORroom RENT RETTw Two large communicating comDUn1catl comDUn1catlrooms jrooms roomTW s furnished 6H 14 6th nw D It itTWO I ITWOTWO TW TWfor O communicating front rooms furnished Ifor light housekeeping also other rooms Mt IG st seFO 1 nw It ItFOR I IFORFOR FO FOporc R RENT REllTThree Three rooms Boeond floor fioorI jporch porc porcie h bath on nozno noer flour 5 K st at ne n nj all3t I IJeS63tI JeS63t JeS63tLARGE j ie ll3t ll3tRGE 3t 3tLARGELARGE LA LAfish RGE elegant rSems banOaom haisdomeiy ety ly fur ftlrnlshednlebed fish fishmen ed light housekeeping extensive orna ornamental onmentDl mental men menSOo tal grounds ideal for summer 2B 191 i8Sd SOo ct t nw j jellIt S k kFOR t tii FOR FOI FOIhou l RENT RElTlIJat Flat of 3 rooms furnished lighthousekeeping hou houat sekeeping ns single or en suite 1J27 9thI fit 5t nw n w J40SX J40SXCENTRALXNTn CENTRAL K NTRAIJ L UK H nw large front second seonwdstory dalorystory stor storlIlt y room also single one Ja3t jdIt1i I I121SlIlt lIltFr 1i S NVV nVNIeeIT Nicely furnished taco porca JJOree p rclain j bath second floor floorKCRNISHKD JdIIt JdIItPtRKCRNISHKD PtR Fr Frver RNISHL I8HJiD zooms for light housaliaanlng gvtry ver vera versien ry yconvenlent convenient COftyl MX Kb nw la j491t j491tJO jellIt10TH at906 a 10TH Nv NVFumiMed Furnufced front rooew trait I Islontaslonta sien ta aooemmcdated j JellSt JellSt8TH Nt IMat1JJ1 I Ill 1JJ1 1217con 7 8TH NW JIVTIlree Three large oommunMattHt Iconvenient convenientFOR con conFO venient II anypert part at the lb city Jd4t Jd4tFOR J4tRFOR FO R RENT RRNTNtcey Nicely turn furnisbet rout roomsMS 18 18P0 llth llthat ac t mr mrOR auauner r JeSIt JeSItoR jsStkoR P0 P0ltgh OR k RENT RKNTIar8 Large furnished front room forItkht ltghs ltghSW t hoiMrttaeplBg Wl H st at BW II w j jFOR j3t j3tRENTGOad laJS t tFORFOR REKTGood comfortable front room2M s se per week entl enUenin tHtaeR aien only 7K Sta St st to atjellStRW R Jes jellSt 3t 3tFOR hFORFOR FO FOboa Il RENT REOTNJeeIy Nleety furntohed roea roe withboard boa rd 113 11 New York a awe e eFOR 1d6It 1d6ItFORFOR FO lt RENT R RENTThree TTbree Three or four rooms tiled bate batherAfter Aft er 6 p a 141S llta lltaFOR tit at JeJ6at JeJ6atFORF FOR FO R RKNT RXlTTwo Two furnished rooms for Itgttt ItgtttFOR lightsekoephigI j hoovekeeping hou sekoephig 327 D st at aw IIWFOR jsl53I 5 FOR FO FOhou Il RENT RE RENTSlat Flat of 3 room rqoses furnished ed light lightoskeo4ngpIng hou hou J oskeo4ng stngie or o ea e suite IIW JUt fth fthFORIt t IIW SWR jdJt jdJtFORF FOR FO R RKNT RE ItllNTIa In Sl nall private family ofo adults t ad second sec secPor ond story front Ave windows ticrtma ticrtmaporcelain sreesacinporcelain Por PorTR cin bath 14M lit st at aw jellIt jellItRE 1404 1404THRKS It ItTHRFTHRKS TR TRd RE funUabed rooms light heiMekeeptegadult d ulta 5M H per r month a 2d st at se J jellIt 4tl t918 18 NWW tW YORK AVMCee A aseZctabie aseZctabieiiiensd rnab1e rnab1eZOOIDIIfwmi fvr iiiensd ed edON3 rouses tzaaslats aUIHlllutllted Je2ik Je2ikONiON3 ON f MTBtaheK room southern spesreUecoad HCODd sec ood floor Wl M sC at aw JaM3t JaM3tBEAUTIFUL jeI3tBJA JellItAUTIFULBEAUTIFUL BJA BE UT1PUL furnished frost aIM back xwesaa xwesaaoompiete rs >COMPlete co mplete for houokseplng hotisflu aping every oanv oea csavai csavaics aieaca ico cs 12K Uth H at C aw JaMtt JaMttFOR JeMItFOR jellItRFOR FO R RKNT RJOTFuraed Furalabed frost room U35 7th 7thst 3tbRst aw W JeMat JeMatFOR jeICItIORFOR FO R RKNT RJitTFur RENTFurnished Furnlebed rooms room ad floor flat1M4 G sc nw J JeI3tt JeI3ttFor es t tForFor Rent RentFurnished RentFurnsbeclFurnished and Unfurnished Rooms RoomsIRVING Room50UI1UI1 11 51W IRVING n 7ING ING ST Col Colroonw Colombia letldaaTJInegope roonw go oses f fanWlhecl nUah d or ci tmfumiabed 1IU edeMpIIoBe genUacneHpreferred pe eImd telephone southern exposure It ItFOR I IFOR iiI FOR OIt RKKT REXTon Oae hu kegs a front room oa theIIeeo so cood floor 73 DI L t t r rTWO lie jdIat jdIatTWOTWO T WO than floor floorsouthern rooms light aaekeptng eeptDcsouthern so uthern expoawre 10 Nt L I tit at nwI Je jeaIt jeaItTWO t 1 1II TWO T Tti WO NICK ROOMS unforalaaed or f tar ar arpletenMIMd ti complece plete for botMekeeptas hou SU 16 other otherFOR otha tarr rrooMe use PIMNM Dr Ida k lit it as JeDat JeDatPaRFOR P 0K RENT RENTTwo Two or three nice tarnished or orunfumlabed a antumiohdunfumlabed UDt v rooms for rent M3 15 Q st tit nw nwJe2SS JaJe2SS Je2SSCarpet JaJe5at Je5atCarpetCarpet Cleaning CleaningtI PER CENT Meatiest tots ad when you leave your l or orens r ders eS ens for carpet cleaning c aDd w we will allow aUowICIU allowyou allo alloalyou yc yca al o a discount of b 6 per cent Our mathoda mathodaare DMIbodaare mechodreare a re the tic lete ate tsst t aad moot t iniprov haKOed08r d oar work wesiis aaeataiely guaranteed Carpet Carpets taken takencleaned tak tI vcleaned stereo and retold retoldPhoae r rPhoDe releidPhonePhone Mala 84 84AamoBtated 184AsemoaiotsdAamoBtated Steam JoIataCo Carpet Cleaning Cleanin Co CoLost Co CojdOaatsoT ELEVENTh STItEET N NLostjdOaatSLostSua Lost LostOnL Lli Oll On Sunday Sua y In vicinity of St St Pat Patricks PatckS ricks li ckS Church L 1IIda pair amethyst rosary tieadistrans st rong oa gold chain dial Fiodcr PI pleass pies return roses bsadia ato tt c ma JOth at tit nw nwI Je2llh Je2llhL08T81Iada jelllIO8TSnnyLc L08T81Iada LOST L O8TSnny Sunday night scarf sear pin n made 11P 11Pchip a p f >I chip c hip diamoada lamoItd8 ad ruble rub Reward if left at S It ItAKTKNDERSBARTENDERS B CLUB 901 K SC 18 Jiw JiwI Je2JIk Je2JIkLOSTNear jellILOST LOSTNear L Near 31th 3Tand and Q Q eta FilMy after afternoon afteraooe siteI noon aooe 5 000 amall gold croat with pearls peutII Kcturn Kcturnto Itetur a aoto t o 3tn Q St aL and receive reward it itLOST 1tLOSTBlackLOST LOSTBlack Black handbag eoatalnlnc cOatioio Ieg pan MKMkeys k eys etc in Franklin Park or Uth at t 1 to IG to Sth at IlL nw It Reward BeAP BeAPbe APARTMENT APARTMZNlb 1 I4 The lb Curnbertnd It ItLOtriWune ItLOSTJuneIs LOtriWune I 25 ISM acdaentaty left out eutaide outaieS co coideaide s ide of Wood Woodwindow Woodward 8 LotJuoop sporting soo4s gosi Iswindow wi ndow or at employee entrance eA eAIDIUI a saSs satoemaifs saSsalts 5maifs IDIUI m mo alts black case eaae contatali contataliof ioiug hC 1 Jrt shirt 1 pair pairor paof o f pants collar and necktie DeclrUe 1 watch and andchain andcbain Ar Arand 47t 47tHATS tHATS RENOVATED RE OVATED equal to new straw strawand strawand atmiand panama bat bleaching a specialty special specialith ectalty ectaltyPhone atmiLit LitPhone Main WSSM SSM KANDEL KJ S CO 751 t tet 7th 7thet ltketet et nw and 302 14th st 5t nw Je8 jeaatt jeaattBEST t tBESTBEST ICE CREAM IN WASHINGTON at atiOcWASHINGTONesiOc Sc were 4cwill 4 c 11111 keep two hours LACEYS LACE LAOEY S 5607 New York ave nw Phone Phono11n Main 933 933myl6tf 33 33mltt L LmyiStimyl6tf mlttFOUNDIIow myiStiUNiIowFOUND FOUNDIIow UNiIow How to get rid of rats Flit FlitARCLY PhoneBARCLAY The Ferret Man North USSM USSMWall 1155 M Mmlstr If IfinyiltZmlstrWall Paper PaperROOMS PaperROOMS PaperROOMSROOMS PAPERED 3 It per cent cheaper than 8 Ianother Sims work guaranteed H II HEWITT ItEWI tr511 U East Capitol st st ieSiat ieSiatlowest jeItROOMS jellI it itROOMSROOMS PAPERED 175 up house paIDttag paintic 1lowest prices CIIAS A CARLISLE 048 H lat t ne Phono East 12S7 JdI3t JdI3tWM leIi ie i3t i3tWM it itMAHONEYWM V MAHONEY the Progressive Paper Pa icrbanger reliable prompt cheap legal guar guaraztee gu an anatleeatlee cover cove all our work Send postal for forsamplestree samples and estimate Main store 6Pennsylvania ave se se telephone Eas East 114 F For Foror following agencies Do Maine Co arN M st nw Edlavltcbs store O Bowie Md II IIii Id I18 Monroe on st 5 Anacostla tI tIO Fowlers stare s 511 j ICongress Heights 6 681 7 New York av ave nw a I1230 E at se ConawayB Conawnrsatore store Laurel Md MdGeneral MdGen 31 ato toGeneral Gen ral Store Glendale Postoffic Colonial Colot ColotBeach 31dod dod 1 1Beach Beach Va Rogers Forden Hyattsville Ilyattavi Coionlall lie IMd Shaws Store Twining City r o oageneagency Just established Lloyds store Sea SeabrookeMd S a I Ibrookebrooke brookeMd Md Je227t Je7tAwnings jell jellAwthns t I IAwningsAwnings and Tents TentsTents Tentsrents TentTentsTents of All Kinds KindsAt X1ndsZ Xi ads adsI asnii Z At HOT Prices Pricesit PricesIf I1 If you ou intend Intn d going goingcamping go olnJ olnJmplns ing nct camping mplns this sum summer summer st m mer see us before beforeyou beforeyou bet store ore rebetISyou buy your tents tentsWe tents tentsVe tent ISi We Ve can scvo st Fe Femoney you youmoney youI youi OU jI money moneyCO mone monel moneyBEISE Il S BENSIlfeEJt CO 11th and B Its I ts IFor Fo r Sale SaleMisceJla SaleMiscellaneous Miscellaneous MiscellaneousSQUARE eous eousSQUARESQUARE PIANOS PIANOSFOB PIANOSPQRFOB A SONG SONGTIlEYTHEY TH EY MUST BE SOLD TIIIB TUI WEEK WEEKTheThe T he only objection Jectlon 10 a square pianoIsreo f Is it J hi 8hw and yet el there are plenty ofrooms ft reo nca that tI can easily accotmnoteta sa t the tJl tJlallaltC9larcaat lar gsst of them GIVe t the eniWrerf a aohanoa olse nee to learn We wlU take tak thesepianos pla o back In exchange too or > a new HP tipright rig ht at any time timeYOUR timeYOURYO YOUR Yd UR CHOICE FOR TOJtfORROW OF OFONB OFOO ONB N18 JII CHICKBRING CHICKBRUiGcat 4MONK 0 KB CHICKKRING CJiJCKKRL1IJOCHICKIIRLlOOKK O NB CHICKKRLNO 118ONK O KB HKNDE31SON fI5 > X IONK O NS MAGNIFICENT MAHOGANY KOIOG y 1CASK II B08WJCLT BO wLr tal M IONE O NB DECKKJl DEC DECI Ot II ONE O NK BiOOHlIJCLDONE KHERSON RR50Nu RR50NuTerms JM I ITermsTerms Te rms 5 Cash and 253 z 3 Monthly MonthlyE I IEE F DROOP SONS CO I925 Pennsylvania Avenue AvenueIt I IBARGAINIt ItBARGAINBARGAIN BA RGAIN SELLERS IN FURNITURETAYLOR FURNITURE RE RETAYLORTAYLOR OWENS429 Ninth iIith Street N W WVJK WVJIIttVisIt MS a ibis week and bMy bsi year r tarot t rnIt tar ta r re JBtUa matting rugs raCritreratCCT reb1 erao baby baby00carts00carts po asita 1s etc 4 4artisg l ng rt g ear ar Wcenthedeflar Wcenthedeflarsalsa sal Ie IeYouYou Y ou must buy of ofs us is T sooner or later laterifif good g ood goods and low prices will dp d it it itTermsTerms One Dollar Week WeekTAYLOR WeerTAYLORTAYLOR OWENS OWENSi294 i29 9 Ninth Nin Street N W WGET Ww4ttw4tt ji GET GETAPIANOFREE A PIANO FREE FREEre FREEIkIk I IPIA re a a postal o oPIAKO or nc to tile th P G 0 nTHPLUtO PIA PIAest NO CO and andF eeure the DM a of L pollIIfIICIIre est piaoo free for six tesatho AU 3 eiJY y Is tIle eoet 0 IIIOOrIDg tboe tboeF tb pleas pleasFF G SMITH PIANO CO CO1DS12 1DS PENNSYLVANIA AVZ Phone M 11 747 747SSWTBT H7GIfSSWTBT bEYma G MACHUTE scr BARGAINSStandard Standard S9 9 White S7 7Domestic S5 5 Staffer Sio 10 oALL > WARRANTED FIVE YEARSAtOPPKNHEIMERS OP OPFO P18NEEIMEjrS NEW HOME AGENCY514 U 9th th St N So W WPOR X9CK X9CKFORFOR FO R SALE SALEXaaare Manure stable of twenty honesCODUact con conew tract for the year Apply rear SU C st stMS6K tJaW jeItlIOR MS6K MS6KOpFFBElIOR PO R SALBe SALXEefor N Wednesday BOOR soon wardrob e foldIng bed bed retrlator eI1WJr NeHardWriUa de almost DeW m J at JIW It ItCOJIPBKOpFFBE COJIPBK CO ITEE URK beat made good aa a newcheap cb sap 170 1 iTS 7th sC at nw nwflattop JI jdIIt jdIItPOItPOIt po st SALEQasntered oak oak highly PO pofiebed lalaedflattop ttcp desk with revolving chair to matchalao als o flat at de eak cloth too g get 0d conditSonIcheap c ML ROOK Jenifer baUdta betiding Jea3t Jea3t1OR > 33t 33tFOR IFOR PO R 8ALX SAL14t B Be1R4 4tMd and sprtnga oak eJt Itea tenrton sico dtetac d1 t ta4 table chairs alt 800Il go CODdttton flo e bargain brxatoTOR m L 1 at at 1M a jdlM3I jdlM3IsTOR PO R 8ALB s SAL14ice Ice OX boxes for Kiouoiy acory ua use lee Iboom koMi bo zis made by a tt Usher cer c give r trouble i M set Iam om5t aun te by a meeteMrte e I SM HOPWOOD HOPWOOD943tItJL 5t h lid X aUjeef3t jeef3tr 943t 943tggRggR = 70 18 SALE SAIElI M eu ramna sOffhUr ghtIt Bsed I8 po o ol chases to ear asse = massey = SM r HOPWOdo Dtt ii K It jellSt eM at atFC1R t tHOPWOODFC1R 1iuECuil regIMe 1 tetal Metlied ga aS IIIder urdou a good cIIa8oe to saus ySee Se e HOPWOOD Sfc and K X J JdC JdCFOR jellIt M3t M3tFORFOR F OR 8ALTT SALBCoei Cnffeje urn looks ttfc likenew a aPOR 8 i tdIatace soa 10 sac See S HOPWOOD itII Id it tx jdIat jdIat1ORPOR OR SALBDli uBnaky leach IImogs casts per pa rdoM do aie See S HOP HOPFOR BOPMKm Sib and X Jdl4t Jdl4tlOtt IFOR 8ALBF SALE Foidtap boo bed 1118 cost costaMtook b Olts ISis new a = good f f8e coo to 8e messy y y1OR8e S HOPWOOb Sth and aMto X1OR P OR suoellatt tlatenL1t Sa a 1Intclu ftmstdlesssa melIT morrygoroeod olCHIDd at a zrsst t NCdIICecomplete eo eoB ln Ia evW7 ver respect Apply iy to j HUt HAKyORRL B iSON jaSit jaSitFOXFOX F Ftu OR SALB SALICGood Oood quality pearly MW ruraltore t tu gs stxitoom 1Itx boaw e > bafgmtR bsra1a tor booj honeskoepera k 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great Ta ot seed Piano caoC sinaSerd dam makes to be close eI oat at a Lmere fraetton of their value va All are at te 1ftrepatr I itthorough repair We WePb simply do not = want wantKaaba was Itto caftJ them tIIroap the theXMbe sommse sommsesabsKaaba X sabs Upright mahogany case latest at tatyle apecfal 451 IKnabe K nabe Small Ontnd every vec7 ecy warktac wwItI part paznew 9S50 G teatnmioat llKaabe Uprlcht t tKbt rosewood ea eatItL e SaeekU t3II8 SSterUag S terling Uprtgfat Upright t methane also jSte jStelUx 118 mstitenent mII II NlUx Ii l Ltdiuan dmaa Upright tergeet t style like likeeewiew M 3SI 35f 5Batenosi E mor Upright largest ante e > mahogany gaaycase Special xatt 84Smith and Barnes nmbo PI meey hosaa aar cane aa Spedat uu 41 j llSmith A Barnes rnes mahogany U a case meet me Hi HiaMadime aMa sla Special l latnj LItHeller B 8 Co Uprtit t tpdbt t mahogany cas caMi oaselarge s4 sIne Special SpedaLWK 303 03WM KNABB K N A B E 8 COin 1J1aa F Ii Street jefis jdtt jdttCASH tf tfCASH LCASH REGISTERS REGISTEfiSHALLWOOD REGISTERSNEWNEW NATIONALS PROM 415 LPHALLWOOD H REGISTBRSAT A AsUghUs SACRIFICESeveral altehUy vend NATIONALS FULLY FULL VGUARANTEED G exoaptioaal Oll1baraalae andon iEASY E ASY PAYMENTS We W s soS U Secondhaad Secondhaadbetter adOb Caab O ssi Re Registers atetS ot aU kinds cheaper and I Isbetter b etter condition than any dealerTHE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COS17 NINTH STREET N W WFORm mFOR myi6StFOR F OR hALK bALJIiZIt roWiUK bed bed fI qsarterei oak cefor f or 976 758 SI m l Kh at at aw awused jdC3t jdC3tFORFOR 8ALE SALEBert bargaIa in three ucIttJ7 alight lyused t gocarts and Ave warranted slightly alight lyseed gas ransea 431 Mh at tit nw J jellSI M Ult UltFOR t tFOR LFOR SAUB SAL SALllSeeond Second hand 390W iOS hard red r 4bride bmk lotBt JaIItt jol scantling scamit Del boards WtW 181 ras asfeet f eet 64 heart loosing doors sash aasb Mi bUndsI blind 181li limelding trtaunlnjo etc etc ail aS blindmt second secoc mtband bet tved and cheapT BOW CLARK 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D OLL CO 12M G st atj jc2i tt ttORFOR OR SALE 5ALEGood Good quality opaque shades flt fltfjd AtvJdfjd to your windows only onl Sc the best qual qu JIcy oIl l opaque bad shade Me hunt free freecall will willcall nilcancall with th samples JKLEBBLATTS llth aad aH st si J e Phone Bast st 25R Ja3 Ja5tr jellIPORSALEUpright tf tfFORFOR FOR PORSALEUpright SALE SALEprlght Upright pianos at unusually tow Ifigures It will pay you OU to see us before de deciding I Icbling ciding Must Mu t sell sacrifice one O upright SHe 158 M squares as low as a5 8 CHVS M M STIEFF 521 Uth st st nw nwJ U UJ 5 i iJJ C CONLIFF Manager Mn r mh2 mb2It mb2ItFOR tfFOR SALE SALETwo Two carloads window Indow screens screensand screensand acre ens sand doors screens IZHc up doors SIc acreup up upe1ttra textra wide doors carload in stock kaock kiockdown lcio tcit citdown frame fram lie wire l 1e square foot tootlKreo18 fe cot tscreens made to order The KLEEBLATTS KLEEBLATTSllth KLEEBLAITSUth S 3llth and II sts na myl3mo my13moItS mylIntItSS 10ItS FOR SANITARY dropaid couches COU couch couchrockers N Nrockersrockers sc gocarts J1S3 SL 1IS parlor and bed bearoom b broomroom aultes 1 per week S See e goods 1EP RI RItMONDS ILL and 313 7th St at aw fel5tS telsl eUt eUtI tIBusiness Chances ChancesFOR Chanc ChacsSALERentanrant s sFORFOR SALB SALERaarant Itestaarant on aCCOUnt nt of sIck aiclcat lItn fli doIDt o4ng CH CHACE ii n OF A LIPBTUIE d ctrar stseWH 171 75 DO mon mor DO Je c chsep rWaL toni OLD DO DOeat2I MLN LiION IOh m F5t at Rouse 7JeJt jellHCASH eat t tM3M9 M CASH will buy dyeing ng an sac cieanin cieanincity CIeaDlngbws btteIDeII8 busin businOily ess ttIa1y ownerkaVIagcity eft Addrees BOX 4O 4 42 rTSaws offloejelli jelliALHA > a Jte JFOR tiL1IA Jewishheart t or a JowttJ DC8 nalgieborhoOd bor1t gresety BtOR IA theuggy bugg buggno ala a topDC y CaR att after S pas 1 1M 118 Florida FloridaAddress P1ocjd av ave avejellItJea3t Jea3tBtYS jellItBUYSBUYS on ot tile oldst8tahllalaedcjss Mores uptowi 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firstdane locattoe Address BOX DO 4M Tiates oC oCdy o ofjellat1IceKOOKING 1Ice jellat jellatunslGKOOKING itoo unslG 1Iou nee JIaad omelytumillbeod haadoacely dy famished fint st location la cIty Income froma rooots W tIJ > 9month sme lt sacrUee H 510 t NEW YORK BUSI NESS N NCIG 8s BROKERS CU F jeSitCIGAR Je25JtCIGAR jeSit jellitARCI CIGAR CIG AR and pool pooldears room PJOIIIiDeDt atiseji treetet dears clea cleaden rs day Invoice n nMt 1038 M account otdeath den tk will sacrifice NEW YORK BUStN fJD88 NSI NSICON IS BROKERS CU F jeJiJt jeJiJtCONFBCTIOKERY jellStFECTIONERY e 9t 9tCONFECTIOKERYCONFECTIOKERY CON FECTIONERY and bakery brick ovenHvtog 1tYIA livi liviNW ng rooms and stables monthly J1IO businessw MM NWBU price J7W b brgaln TKln NEW mv YORKf BUSINESS BU SINESS BROKBBS Ml F je26t je26tGROCBRY jeSatG jellItOCERYDaliyGROCBRY G GR GRown OCERYDalI Dally sales sale h ts 14 t living HvlnffNEW 00180WJMr own er getag to Earepe price iOI 808 c1811awa wal y NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS BROKERSle BR BRCAFE811 F jellSt jellStFE le 3t 3tCAFSCAFE CA FE ad dairy lunch good location wiUsacriflce aScr aScrD7Z Ilice If sold at once NEW EW YORK BUSn D7Z SS BROKERS IU F 3 JeSJt JeSJtLLOONJr1B IONStOONFlneet 23t 23tSALOOKLLOONJr1B SALOOK tL OONFlneet Finest t corner southeast eacrifl = rJ4W9 745 4 half shcashDCGAX ffl7 Lodtalaaa are are3e2S3t a aje2SJt evejellit3e2S3t 3e2S3tWHOLESALE je2SJtWHOLZSALE jellitOLS6ALEWHOLESALE WII WIIlean OLS6ALE Ikjuor establishment t naagnlf magjIcent lean t UCGAN Dcomer GA Ct7 Loutslasa ave avol aveje53t aweisiSStl je53t je53tLt isiSStNCH 33t 33tLU2vCHLU2vCH Lt LUflee NCH CH ROOM ROO 11n In market en account of otlu otluwill lii liiwillflee will sacrifice ac1eue 91M DOGAX G7 LouUl LouUlLwe Louili1a Linaisiaa aie a Lwe JeSlt JeSltDAIRZ je5ltDAIR1DAIRZ DAIR1 iii LUNCH LUNOHBent Beat t business street laWashinstoa Wa shington fMa DCGAN 617 LouIsiana Ixtulsianaare Lou1eiallaYe LouIsianaawaYe aw jeS3t jeS3tCA1 IEitPE 1 253t 253tCAFXCAFX CA CAme PE close to large Government depart departmenC deportetmeat me et DCGAN M7 17 Loatofaaa are jeh jehSALOON jellStLOON fe 3t 3tSALOONSALOON SA LOON close to Avenue Ave ue conducted by same sameproprietor 211ma7ean samectetorproprietor ptW ptWaye ctetor 18 yean y DUGAK DUGA RI 7 Zx Louisiana LouisianaLOON > ana ui9ianaave anaayeave aye l jdSt jdStSALOON Slt SltSALOONSALOON SA LOON la Baltimore Itimoee Md dota tag good busness buslrelit bus bustrentness ass asslasa rent D price 4tt 44 Z DUGA > UGAX 617 Louis LouisPATENT Loulsaye LouIsevelasa aye ayePTENT joESt joEStTENTPATENT PA PAUn TENT RIGHT for sale no offer refusedUnited Un ited States and Canada Call 17M Penn Penneylvanio Peana Pennvankieylvanio a syi IVDIa vanki aye nw second Moor JIoMW JeSJt JONItANTEDTaWT W ANTED AlirEDTo Te sell for t northwest nonh mor morgeg tbwe wtth cash aDd book trade parties partJesont partiesaggoto geg ag oat of business buma Address BOX BOXFOR 4i 4imesTtDMs Ti mes 4dcL JeSh JeSh1Qft jellItRFOR FO R SALB 8ALBPtrstcIM FtastdaaB oonwr grocery living Hvtoffii cheap rest bargain to quick buyer buyer114it1217 C sw Je243t Je243tBXCBPTIONAL 1eZ43tEXCEPTJOKAL 114itCEPTIONALBXCBPTIONAL EX CEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY OPPORTU 1TY for active cUeJDaD ecU vi viaJDaD mes mesfir a to joIn aw caatervattve e real estaq estaqtmttaiited estacm ta t1Inn fir m tmttaiited opportanKy 7 for wan wltix wltixi witiall5IDaJ1 Sm all capUaL Address i BOX 479 418 Times o oI ol oljiltItAce Sc Je2f Je2fCAPITAL jiltIt jiltItCAPITALIlK I CAPITAL wilt t double We la clean retell nUabitrettoft retellmactiomtraasaeUoB tia mactiom with fare mossy y fully guar guarAddnefc gustted JlDts ac ted Addnefc BOX 477 TImes TIat office officeCOMPLBTKJdt3t Jdt3tCOKPLBTB je llit llitllPLTZCOMPLBTK CO llPLTZ STOCK of groceries 350 MO pay payTiatoeas PIlSag Tiatoeas cheap real KASTERN rElt BCSI BCSIiNESS Nll i EXCHANGE SU T P st t te2 Je43t Je43tSTJUCTLY jellitRSCrLr STRICTLY ST RSCrLr DAIRY LUNCH clearing JlX JlXmonthly 14moatbJy S Stb0rvekmonthly thorough lavesUgatloa invited invitedEASTERX invitedSTERNEASTERX BA STERN BUSINESS BUSL ESS EXCHANGE EX GE 614 U Utit t tFOR 1jellSttit je43t je43tFOR jellStRFOR FO R SALB suE SALEB400I Rsosnlog house all rooms rent rented rentredjee4 ed ofv redwed w JJSf 1 cost es t st 1Ill to furnish furnisht turn1heYW7tb furnishse7thcageYW7tb v se7thcag et eet qaaty aSty abaset t t new In Injolre lDDtIlea jolre t 43S RIb sc at BW Je43t Je43tSPECULATORS je4atSPECULATORSGra jellitthisSPECULATORS SPECULATORSGra Grasp p this Opportunity the thechaace Voaseschaace ch ases of your our life to fcaake task a profitabLe proGtab profitabLecotmsetinreetmeat ht htj Deat Address BOX m Times T1 M o Ofnce ofSceellSt cc ccWANTEDet3C et3CW j ellSt ellStANTEDPartnerW WANTED ArBDPartner Partner In splendid paying busi bua buasn s clearing 1W 10 IW weekly half interest J120G J120GFor 120C SLIDOForC nUl St nw Je4 Je4ForFor Sale SaleAutomobiles SaleAutomobilesOR Automobiles AutomoLUesFORFOR F OR SALS SALSA A bargain fivepassenger car carperfectIn perfect condition newly painted M JOQ JOQcan tJO tJOcan Q Qlmcan bo sea seaWill Sa r or HIS Connecticut aeWill W Ill el tlemoa 4enOnetThIS trate j jaNit jaNitSALEAuto 3t 3tJrORFOR SALB S SALEAuto Auto two aeubs gaaolene goodcondition co ndition 8 180 Address BOX 47i Times TimesFOR Ttm TImesco18 c TtmIt It ItFOR itORFOR F OR SALK SALZSCaDJey Stanley staanur tn good condi condition condition condion tion ti on Apply C C R R HOUGH ROUGH Sit itch st stHWINEHART at atjo5It atJONStjo5It jo5ItSWINEHART JONStWINEILARTHWINEHART S CUSHION TIRBS will eat eniyour eatur n1 n1OUryour yo ur tint troubles very resilient long serv service s sIce srve ice ic e great money savors JONES TireD XiP3WORKS TireDWORKS iP3 iP3ORKSWORKS W ORKS Agents M28M IO2 E et lit Phone Maa Maa10texSa Yl Yl8K8K 318 8 J1Ot ielliOtnxlla ielliOtnxllaFor 10texSa 10texSaFor XSI1 XSI1ForFor Sale SaleBicycles SaleBicyclesBICYCLES Bicycles BicyclesBICYCLSSBICYCLES B highgrade wheels on easy easymonthly easyJDODUlJy easyonthlymonthly m onthly payment Secondhand wheels wh wbessught S Sglttbought bo mbo ught gltt and sold C A A COGSWELL f CO COSMS COSIllSIll 5 19 M st st West Vaianston Wa Iel5l je1SHt je1SHtFor isisittFor For Hire fiireHorses HireHorses lireHorsesHorses and Vehicles VehiclesGOOD YehJcJesGOOD YehiclesOODGOOD G OOD MULE Del ham hamother iarneen to match w wotiMr alathother O th horses Aors e B for hire hireFor 18 PIerce lit St DW It ItFor itForFor Sale SaleHorses Sale SaleHorses SalehorsesHorses and Vehicles VehiclesFOR VehiclesFOR VehiclesORFOR F OR SALE SALJirExprea8 Express wagon In good condi condioe tion d oe CM Maryland ave sw awNE je26vt je26vtONE j t tONEONE O NE SURREY in good condition lILt Uni Unist tllllit Unin Uninjoltel ton t oe trots IH naraaav h b5tTh 2 good large wri Wr WrJIOr5eL w wrsesborsec ho rses MX 145 Ida tk st at nw nwSALK jeNt jeNtOR t tFORFOR F OR SALK SALBFlne Fine handsome ladys driving drtU1bone hccs runabout t and hotness I 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I c1a Stanhope rubber 1Mr Urea tirosJ125 tlresUSJ125 114 LadS T Trap p tsUgatly used use41h lii liiJ8SJ8S 85 Paneltop Platform Wagon WagonSS S D WATERS So SON 319 Pa ave aveaptstf anapUtf aweapistiaptstf aptstfBUY apUtfBUY apistijATBUY jAT AT COGSWELLS COG SWELL 51 I boy alt new ve vehides TCIdea yeideshides h Idea direct from manufacturers for spot spotcas spotaskcask c ask therefore I can save yqn y time and andmoney an anDWny enSmoneymoney New w runabouts Y30 39 uP p new ann S11rrelsreys t 81 oIp apt P new nc harness 3 up new newtelle da datens daenstens t ens J4S 4 Large assortment used vehic3 vehic3SM vehlc3M vehlcSM 1 UB UD Harness 358 358 up NewucnbreiU NewucnbreiUtop New umbnen umbnenaptop t ap KM 188 3M9I 11 nth st at nw tolopbono Man Maaim Maz1m MantTtim i ti tTt apistf apistfPROBEYS ap1 ap1PROBErS apEtiPtOBErSPROBEYS PROBEYSNEW PROBErSt PROBErSltEW PtOBErSgaltgal EALE EALENEW =NEW VEHICLES VEHICLESWO111 RUbbrtlre Rursbcnta RurabotitsCushiontire SSG SSGmWO Cushiontire C 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